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Tuesday, 21 January 2025


5 sets for time (each set):

100m Run (or 5x50ft Shuttle Run)

10 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)

15/12 Calorie Row (Or Ski)

- Rest 1:1 between sets

Gymnastics: Ring Muscle-ups / Strict Pull-ups

Choose between the Strength Option OR the Conditioning Option (don't do both). For the conditioning option, athletes should be able to do 5+ ring muscle-ups, unbroken.

Strength Option:


Odd: 3-5 Ring Dip Negatives (jump to the top of the rings + 2 to 3-second descent)


Level 1: 5 sets of 8-10 False Grip Ring Rows (inverted)

Level 2: 5 sets of 6-8 False Grip Ring Rows (inverted/feet on the ground in front of the rig)

Level 3: 5 sets of 6-10 Ring Rows (feet lined up under the rig/pull-up bar)

- For the ring dip negatives, athletes should start at the top of the rings and then lower themselves with a 2-3 second controlled descent. For modifications, athletes can place heels on a box (heel box tempo ring dips) or perform bench dips with a slow and controlled descent.

Conditioning Option:


Odd Minute: Ring Muscle Ups (1 max unbroken sustainable set - all sets should be the same)

Even Minute: 30 seconds of Hollow Rocks


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