Friday, 31 January 2025

Conditioning: Open 20.3
For time:
Deadlifts (225/155)
Handstand Push-Ups
- Into...
Deadlifts (315/205)
50ft Handstand Walk (Or 4 Wall Walks) after each set of Deadlifts
- Score is total reps completed at the Open 9 minute time cap. Each 5-foot handstand walk = 1 rep, each wall walk = 2 reps. We are allowing you to continue to complete the workout, with a 15 minute cap. Comment with your finish time.
5 sets:
30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold
- Rest 1 min between sets
5 sets:
20-30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold
- Rest 1 min between sets
5 sets:
20-30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold (Toes on the ground)
- Rest 1 min between sets
* Lower rings, so feet/toes remain in contact with the floor during the hold. Use a band wrapped around the rings and supported under the knees. Have a partner assist in holding the rings tight to your sides during the lockout.