Friday, 15 November 2019
Strength: Front Squat 1-1-1 Conditioning: 4 Rounds For Time 200 Meter Run 8 Dumbbell Thrusters (35s/25s) 12 Alternating Dumbbell Lunges...
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Conditioning: AMRAP 5 - 1000 Meter Row Max Slamballs (30/20) REST 5 Minutes AMRAP 5 - 50 Slamballs (30/20) Max Meter Row
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Strength: Build to a Heavy Complex - 1 Hang Snatch + Snatch Conditioning: AMRAP 12 12 Power Snatches (95/65) 12 Push-ups 12 T2B
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Teams of 3: 5 Rounds Minute 1: 50 Double Unders Minute 2: 25 AbMat Sit-ups Minute 3: Max Calorie Bike Minute 4: Rest (Each partner...
Monday, 11 November 2019
Strength: Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 6; Dumbbell Row 4 x 6 Conditioning: 4 Rounds (20 Min. Cap) 10 Burpee Pull-ups 20 Calorie Row 30 Wall...
Friday, 8 November 2019
Strength: Front Squat 2-2-1-1 Conditioning: AMRAP 12 15 Push Jerks (115/85) 30 Air Squats 60 Double Unders
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Conditioning: On The Minute x 20 Odd: 40 Seconds Max Russian Kettlebell Swings (eye-level) Even: 40 Seconds Max Wallballs * Score is...
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Strength: Shoulder Press Build to a Heavy Set of 3 Reps Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Time 10 Strict Press (75/55) 20 Slamballs (30/20)
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Conditioning: For Time 200M Run, 21 T2B, 21 Burpees 200M Run, 18 T2B, 18 Burpees 200M Run, 15 T2B, 15 Burpees 200M Run, 12 T2B, 12...
Monday, 4 November 2019
Strength: Build to a Heavy Clean + 2 Jerks Conditioning: AMRAP 20 30 Single-Dumbbell Box Step-ups (50/35) 20 Single-Dumbbell Hang Clean...